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Cara Merekrut Engineer Di Sebuah Perusahaan

Cara Merekrut Engineer Di Sebuah Perusahaan - Dalam waktu 3 bulan, me & recruiting partner screened 1000 engineers, interviewed 100, and finally hired 10 very high performing peeps.

Cara Merekrut Engineer Di Sebuah Perusahaan


1) LinkedIn (Jobs & InMail)

2) SmartRecruiter


4) Tech in Asia

5) Campus Hiring


1) Poin plus kalau dari Top Schools (UI/ITB/ITS/Binus/IPB/UMN)

2) Ini sinyal relevan karena tes kampusnya udah lumayan susah, dan program CS-nya cukup rigorous.

3) Bukan requirement, melainkan poin plus.


1) Computer Science/Informatics

2) Information System

3) Computer Engineering

4) Kalau kandidatnya udah senior, jurusan ga terlalu penting

Preferred current/past companies:

1) Big companies: Traveloka, Gojek, GDP Labs, Shopee Indonesia

2) Startups: Cermati, Xendit, Moka, Ruangguru, HappyFresh, Kargo, Bibit, Sayurbox

3) Ini pengalaman personal. Extrapolated dari kandidat-kandidat yg pernah gw interview, biasanya mereka lebih perform. Culture kerja di tempat tersebut bagus & proses rekrutmennya technically rigorous.

4) Bukan berarti company yang ga masuk list ini ga bagus, tapi company yang masuk ini hit rate cukup tinggi (chance buat lolos interview + cocok pas kerja).

5) Ada beberapa tempat yg gw personally blacklist karena hit-rate sangat rendah (wont share lol)

Other good signals yang bisa dilihat di profil/CV:

1) Portfolio banyak & kompleks (selain tugas kuliah). Poin plus kalau produknya/kodenya live atau dipublikasikan. Jadi gw bisa sambil kepoin dan assess.

2) Sering menang or at least ikut lomba competitive programming atau CTF (capture-the-flag). Ini nunjukin kalau dia punya very strong logics and analytical skills.

3) For me, GPA/IPK doesn't matter much. Sering liat IPK close to 4.0 tapi ga bisa kerja, whereas IPK 2 koma tp sakti bgt.

4) CV rapi, concise, achievement oriented (ga cuma tulis jobdesc), dan ga ada typo. Nunjukin kalau orangnya komunikatif & punya attention to detail.

HR interview structure

Buat recruiter yang kerja bareng gw, gw udah bekali struktur yang bisa assess banyak hal in a short amount of time (buat 1st HR phone screen).

1) Introduce yourself and tell the candidate where you’ve got their contact info.

2) Share about our company, its mission, latest milestones, its products.

3) Let the candidate introduce themselves and their work experience.

4) Listen and highlight some of the questions you would like to ask to the candidate;

--- Related to their previous biggest accomplishments (proven by data and/or metrics).

--- Their most complex projects.

--- How they manage several team members (eg. daily standup, weekly sprint review, 1on1 session, etc.) (If he's a lead/manager)

--- The tools they’re familiar with.

--- Discuss with the candidate about their experience and ability related to the jobdesc & requirements of the role needed. It is necessary to let them know about our expectations for the role.

5) Ask the candidate why they’re interested in exploring the role in our company. The reason they’re looking for another opportunity.

6)  Ask the candidate about their expected salary, notice period, and companies they’re in the recruitment process for now.

7) Tell the candidate about our recruitment process stages and let them know they could also reach you out if they have any further questions.

8) Ask the candidate if they have any questions about our company or about the current role needed.

9) Thank them for their time and the discussion.

10) Send them links to news articles about our company and current open job vacancies via WhatsApp.

BE vs FE vs Mobile vs Full-stack

Gw ga terlalu membeda-bedakan role antar stack (unless perlu senior yang expert bgt).

Jadi playbook di atas itu works well buat stack apapun.

Ngaruhnya paling di seberapa cepet orangnya bisa dionboard & produktif ke project.

Kalau stacknya sama => langsung bisa digas kerja

Kalau stacknya beda => perlu waktu buat belajar & penyesuaian.

Tapi jangan dipaksa juga, kalau anak BE benci CSS ya jangan dipaksa ngerjain frontend. Nanti malah ribet.

Kalau anak frontend yang suka desain & ngerjain UI, ya jangan dipaksa buat ngerjain infra. Unless anaknya mau.

Gitu genks...

Semoga berguna buat para technical rekruter & manajer yang lagi hiring.

Dan semoga berguna buat para engineer biar tau apa aja yang biasa dilihat sama company.

Playbook ini paling efektif buat earlier stage startup where candidate quality is #1.

Kalau mau hire lebih banyak & lebih cepat, perlu adjust strategi.

Gw pernah tulis juga 8 strategi buat naikin scale recruitment & perbanyak kandidat di pipeline:

1. Ask your high performers to refer their top friends

2. Set a referral party session for your team members to focus on referring

3. After each interview, ask the top three friends they know

4. Whenever you meet people, ask the top three friends they know

5. Cold message strong candidates on LinkedIn or Twitter

6. Arrange group dinners with candidates you admire and pay for it

7. Host or sponsor a community meetup

8. Engage headhunting firms or freelance recruiters

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