How To Scrape a List of Phone Numbers on Truecaller - Revesery -->

How To Scrape a List of Phone Numbers on Truecaller

How To Scrape a List Of Phone Numbers on Truecaller - Are you looking for a way to scrape phone numbers and retrieve the owner's name from Truecaller? Look no further as this Python script, using the truecallerpy module, will do just that. 

Before getting started, ensure that you have the required modules installed, including colorama and truecallerpy. In this article, we'll take a look at how to install the modules and use the script to extract phone numbers from Truecaller.
How To Scrape a List of Phone Numbers on Truecaller

Get phone number owner name from truecaller with python This is a Python script to search phone numbers on Truecaller using the truecallerpy module. Before running the script, make sure that you have installed colorama and truecallerpy modules.

How To Scrape a List Of Phone Numbers on Truecaller

To install the required modules, run the following command in your terminal:
pip3 install colorama truecallerpy
1. On Truecaller Android, tap on the 3 line menu on top left then click on setting's.
2. Tap on Privacy Center and then click on Download my data.
3. Now a JSON file is downloaded.
4. Save the JSON file in the same directory as the script and rename it to truecaller.json.
5. Add phone numbers to search in a file named phone.txt. One phone number per line.
6. Run the script using the following command:
7. The script will search for the phone numbers in the phone.txt file on Truecaller and write the results to a file named result.txt.

Note: This tool is for educational purposes only. Use it at your own risk. The author is not responsible for any illegal activities conducted using this tool.
In conclusion, this Python script is a useful tool for anyone looking to extract phone numbers from Truecaller and retrieve the owner's name. 

However, it's essential to note that this tool is for educational purposes only, and any illegal activities conducted using this tool are not the author's responsibility. 

Ensure that you use it at your own risk and adhere to all ethical and legal considerations. So, install the required modules, follow the steps outlined above, and enjoy scraping phone numbers from Truecaller with ease.

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