Kumpulan Kata Kata Request Menambah Koneksi di Linkedin - Revesery -->

Kumpulan Kata Kata Request Menambah Koneksi di Linkedin

Kumpulan Kata Kata Request Menambah Koneksi di Linkedin dan Contoh cold messaging linkedin untuk approach recruiter di Linkedin - Berikut  artikel template kalimat yang bisa kalian pakai di notes ketika ingin menambahkan koneksi di Linkedin yang menjadi figur inspirasi kalian atau ketika ingin approach Recruiter. 

Linkedin adalah aplikasi yang jauh lebih fake daripada IG 😂 DM² pake bahasa inggris, giliran udah dpt no tlp ngomongnya pake bahasa indonesia wkwk

Mungkin bukan ovt ya gimana gimana, tapi evaluasi apa ada cvnya kurang menarik atau gimana. Atau ada profil LinkedIn segala macemnya. Percaya si semua punya timeline nya masing masing. Nikmati proses~

Kumpulan Kata Kata Request Menambah Koneksi di Linkedin

perbagus personal branding di linkedin, kalo intern sulit bisa join virtual internship dulu ..

i tried to find some inspirational people kaya kating di linkedin, aku connect sama mereka jadi aku tau kedepannya motivasi aku harus magang/dll nyari organisasi

Mostly kerja korporat bakal kebantu bgt sih sama LinkedIn

Kecuali kalau kerja non-korporat kek dokter, lawyer, gt nggak ada biasanya

Cuma mereka ada media lain sebagai portfolio nya

selain doa ya harus usaha dong, apply kerja dimana mana, ngembangin skill, latihan wawancara dan tes, tanya teman tentang loker, sampai buat linkedin untuk memperluas koneksi

Kumpulan Kata Kata Request Menambah Koneksi di Linkedin

*note: Graduate student = mahasiswa pascasarjana (udah lulus)

Kalau maksudnya “lulusan/alumni”, bisa pakai “I’m a (nama universitas) graduate.” kalo blm lulus pake Undergraduate

1. Kalo kamu pengen ngeadd orang yang jadi inspirasi kamu di Linkedin:

"Hi, (name) ,

I've noticed your presence here on LinkedIn, and I'm so impressed by your work! I'd like to connect with you on LinkedIn.

Thank you!"

2. Kalo kamu pengen ngeadd orang buat networking di ranah/field karir kamu:

"Hi (name), hope you are doing well! 

My name is (your name) and currently in building connections with others to build my professional network, hopefully I can connect with you. Thank you!"

3. Kalo kamu FreshGrad dan mau approach HR/Recruiter:

"Hi (name), I’m … and I am a graduate student from (campus)

I am interested in the early career positions in (company). I received (achievement) in 2022 and I believed that would be a value for this position. Thanks"

4. Kalo dah pengalaman dan lagi cari2 kerja mau approach:

"Hi (name),

Nice to e-meet you, I'm Interested in the role of (positions), I have experience in (your expertise based on the role). I could manage (skills). I would like to know more regarding this opportunity. Thank You"

5. Kalo kamu FG dan mau cari koneksi yang sejurusan sama kamu:

"Hi (name),

My name is (...) as a fresh graduate majoring in (major). I have experience in (...) and I'd love to connect you for my professional field on LinkedIn.

Stay safe and healthy, thank you


"Hi, (Insert Name)!

Hope this message finds you well 

I came across your profile and just found out that you recently posted a vacancy from (Insert Company) as (Insert Position). I believe my background suits it really well, and I would like to explore more with you.


6. Kalo kamu mau bangun hubungan tapi bingung cara add valuenya gimana

Hi (name), happy to connect on LinkedIn!

I saw your post about [a topic]. I have an interest in that topic as well. I personally love this website [a link]. Sharing it with you since it might be useful for you


7. Bonus: 

"Hi, (Insert Name)! I just read your post about xxx and I found it really inspired me. (Ulas sedikit ttg tulisannya, kl ada input bisa put di situ). 

I'd like to connect with you on LinkedIn to read more of your stories.

Looking forward to reading another post. Thanks!"


Hi, (Insert Name)!

Hope this message finds you well 

I came across your profile and just found out that you recently posted a vacancy from (Insert Company) as (Insert Position). I believe my background suits it really well, and I would like to explore more with you.


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